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The goal of the Cubicle System is to create an indoor environment closest to the natural pasture in order to increase rest time, reduce health issues and increase milk production of the herd.

The university and field studies have revealed three main issues related to Cow Comfort.

Entrance: Cows that stand for hours and that are not fully in the stall are more prone to hoof issues and a decreased flow of blood to the udder which results in reduced milk production.

  • The cubicle system gives the animal ample space toenter the stall, lay down and rest in natural positions
  • The Pasture Mat bed is designed to provide naturalcow comfort, whether standing or lying down
  • The easy to maintain bedding system helpsreduce bedding costs by (up to) 80%

Lunging: Without proper lunge space a cow reacts with unnatural behavior when attempting to stand and is prone to serious leg or back injury.

  • The dimensions of the Cubicle System ensure the animal isable to rise from a lying position in a single, natural motion
  • The brisket and neck rail dimensions are designed to properlyindex the animal as she enters the stall to ensure that she dose not lie too far forward and compromise her lunging ability
  • Result: safer animal, cleaner stalls.

Overcrowding: Without proper spacing or the ability to lay down comfortably the animal undergoes stress which directly impacts the production of milk. We believe animals need:

  • Freedom to lie on their sides, with unobstructed space for their neck and head
  • Freedom to rest their heads against their sides without hindrance from a partition
  • Freedom to rest with their legs, udder and tails on the platform
  • Freedom to stand or lie without fear or pain from neck rails, partitions or supports

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